THE D+G • Hartford, CT
Advertising Opportunities
THE D+G is an exciting opportunity to reach a very targeted audience of attendees who fall into the niche of Kink and Geek customers. We are happy to offer the following possibilities and would be thrilled to discuss any other ideas you might have. Email us at [email protected] for more information or to arrange your advertising today.
Here are the details on size and pricing for each ad. This assumes a black and white ad submitted in a camera-ready format (pdf preferred).
Full page (7.5" x 10.5") $250
Half page (7.5" x 4.75") $150
Quarter page (3.5" x 4.75") $100
Business card (2" x 3.5") $75
If you'd like your ad designed by a graphic artist, that can easily be arranged by contacting [email protected].
Here are the details on size and pricing for each ad. This assumes a black and white ad submitted in a camera-ready format (pdf preferred).
Full page (7.5" x 10.5") $250
Half page (7.5" x 4.75") $150
Quarter page (3.5" x 4.75") $100
Business card (2" x 3.5") $75
If you'd like your ad designed by a graphic artist, that can easily be arranged by contacting [email protected].