THE Crossroads Sept 14-17 • Darlington, MD
Madame Tak
Madame Tak is a lifestyle Domme with a flair for intense experiences and facilitating scenes. As a graduated Master, this polyamorous Pansexual uses her deep love of education and communication to share with others so they can strengthen their own connections with BDSM. Her style has been shared with residencies at Club Orpheus and Risqué. Her experience includes versatile impact and sensation play, navigating multi leveled relationships from long distance to live in submissives, running a Dungeon, as well presence and intention.
Silly Sadism Are you bored with the same old song and dance with your impact scenes? Learn some tips and tricks from a sadist with a sense of humor! Negotiate some silliness into your play and see the difference in your scene dynamic shift. We all love a good scene, so why not get a little goofy sometimes? [Bad dad jokes welcome!]
Being a Better Metamour Relationships can be hard. Polyamorous relationships can be exponentially harder! Join Madame Tak and Entropy Bound for a workshop of how to increase your communication, channel some compersion and be a better metamour! From learning what love language you and yours speak to navigating jealousy, change and your particular flavor of poly, delve into some of the finer points of supporting your significant other's significant others.
Inventive Impact Necessity is the mother of invention, with impact scenes being no exception. Not everyone has or needs a fully decked out kit, but with some common items available at vanilla stores, you can boost your bag of holding. Pick up some tips and tricks to make the most of your tools and surroundings, enhancing your scenes!
Sadistic Spelling Bee Are you really good at spelling or like getting spanked? Do you like showing off your oral skills? Shove your skills in everyone’s face at the Sadistic Spelling Bee! The winner will be awarded a fantastic prize and special sash! From stuffing your mouth to being distracted by impact, there will be certainly be some surprises in store!
Being a Better Metamour Relationships can be hard. Polyamorous relationships can be exponentially harder! Join Madame Tak and Entropy Bound for a workshop of how to increase your communication, channel some compersion and be a better metamour! From learning what love language you and yours speak to navigating jealousy, change and your particular flavor of poly, delve into some of the finer points of supporting your significant other's significant others.
Inventive Impact Necessity is the mother of invention, with impact scenes being no exception. Not everyone has or needs a fully decked out kit, but with some common items available at vanilla stores, you can boost your bag of holding. Pick up some tips and tricks to make the most of your tools and surroundings, enhancing your scenes!
Sadistic Spelling Bee Are you really good at spelling or like getting spanked? Do you like showing off your oral skills? Shove your skills in everyone’s face at the Sadistic Spelling Bee! The winner will be awarded a fantastic prize and special sash! From stuffing your mouth to being distracted by impact, there will be certainly be some surprises in store!